Strategic Committee Member, Prof. Tatsuo Masuda, presents on the economic and financial impact of COVID- 19. He is Permanent Member, World Federation of Scientists.

Investment in environmental technologies for a green and resilient recovery. There are clear connections between COVID-19 and the climate crisis. Climate change increases the likelihood of COVID-type pandemics – through changes in the habitats of disease vectors, for example, increased inter-species contact resulting from deforestation.

The World Bank estimates that 40-60 million people will be driven into extreme poverty in 2020. Similarly, climate change will generate events that escalate and proliferate, from multiple breadbasket failures to climate-induced conflicts and refugee crises. COVID-19 is in many ways unprecedented, but climate change threatens to produce shocks of greater magnitude that play out over longer timeframes IPCC special report, Global Warming of 1.5°C, 2018

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